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Getting nurtured by Nature: How does nature impact our wellbeing

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts…There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” —Rachel Carson
No truer words have been spoken, nature indeed is essential for many and vital in keeping us emotionally, psychologically, and physically healthy.


According to studies, nature may provide more benefits than just well-being, such as reducing crime and aggression. There was a considerable decrease in crime rates and a greater sense of community cohesion in a 2015 British study of 2,000 people exposed to nature.


With rapid urbanisation and declining human contact with nature globally, important decisions need to be made about how to preserve and enhance nature’s experiences. Stress from an unpleasant environment can cause anxiety, sadness, or helplessness. Your blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension will rise as a result, and your immune system will be suppressed.


How does Nature impact well-being?

Nature Heals :
Spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health, and emotional well-being. The natural fragrance of the trees has been shown to lower blood pressure by repressing the body’s fight-or-flight response, which causes stress.


Nature Connects :
Being connected to nature can lead to stress reduction and mood improvement. Apart from this, nature also has a significant emotional benefit that involves enjoying a stronger connection with yourself and others. Forest Bathing is a powerful practice, which encourages you to connect with nature, become more mindful, and most importantly, learn more about the relationship you have with nature.


Nature Restores :
Nature restores mental functioning in the same way that food and water restore bodies. Our physical, mental, and emotional well-being are restored when we experience emotions such as awe, joy, serenity, gratitude, and inspiration that are generated by nature. These positive emotions build up into a range of micro-moments that contribute to a deep sense of happiness.


Being in nature is an inexpensive and effective tool for dampening the impact of illness, and dulling the intrusion of everyday stress. Discover the scenic splendour of the Sahyadris at The Dharana Holistic Healing Retreat at Shillim, with its high-ranging yet easy-to-scale peaks allowing a view of majestic water bodies and lush, ever-growing forests.