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An Ayurvedic Approach to eating food

Ayurveda is one of the oldest, holistic healthcaree methods. For centuries, it was and still is the go-to healing method that families rely on, and has gained tremendous popularity in the West as well, since its focus is on all aspects of health – diet, exercise, sleep, detox, lifestyle and much more. Ayurveda’s emphasis on prevention and maintenance is what separates it from other healing methods; to balance the body, mind and consciousness based on each individual’s constitution. 


Diet plays a critical role in attaining this balance – our food choices have a direct impact on creating or disrupting this balance. Ayurveda identifies three energies that present in each of us – Vata, Pitta, Kapha. In our body, Vata is the energy of movement, Pitta the energy of digestion and metabolism, and Kapha forms the body’s structure.

We all have qualities of each, but one is more dominant than the others. Once we are aware of our unique biological makeup, we can accordingly incorporate foods in our diet that help balance these energies. 

Dharana Wellness Centre’s food philosophy is rooted in Ayurveda; with a farm-to-table food philosophy, where the produce is picked straight from our organic garden, the food is cooked using traditional slow-cooking techniques that ensure all nutrients are in the food. 


How does an Ayurvedic diet work? 

The Ayurvedic approach to food sets guidelines about what to eat, when to eat and how to eat, based on your Dosha. If not, there could be an imbalance, leading to diseases. 

  • Pitta: Individuals with this Dosha can develop problems related to the heart, indigestion or high blood pressure. 
  • Vata: Individuals with this Dosha can develop problems with digestive issues, fatigue, anxiety
  • Kapha: Individuals with this can develop problems with diabetes, depression, asthma, weight gain. Etc

To promote inner balance, each dosha should eat as per requirement 

  • Pitta: Eat cooling, energising foods, with limited intake of spices and nuts. A predominantly vegetarian diet with less spicy, salty or sour flavours is beneficial. Recommended foods include Apples, Avocados, Cabbage, Cucumber, Barley, Oats, Legumes, Honey, Tofu etc. 
  • Vata: It is beneficial to eat warm, cooked meals over raw vegetables, dried foods as it stimulates digestion. Recommended foods include Banana, Papaya, cooked vegetables such as beetroot, carrots, tomatoes, Oats, all spices, ghee, milk, paneer etc 
  • Kapha: This diet recommends a limited amount of nuts and seeds. Instead, consuming fruits like apples, berries, mangoes, vegetables that are spicy and bitter (red beetroot, cauliflower, cabbage), meat products like chicken, eggs along with legumes can help balance this dosha. 


All doshas recommend that one avoids artificial sweeteners, red meat and processed food, since the core of Ayurvedic food philosophy is eating wholesome, healthy foods.


Dharana Wellness Centre, a wellness retreat near Mumbai, focuses on holistic health which includes physical, mental and spiritual balance. One of the main pillars of this eco wellness retreat lies in the farm-to-table food philosophy, which encourages an organic approach to consuming food. Fresh produce is picked from the organic farm and is made with slow-cooking techniques. As an Ayurvedic healing center in India, Dharana combines the use of an integrative, modern approach for holistic health with Modern diagnostics with traditional practices like Yoga and Ayurveda to ensure a sustainable wellness journey.