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Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been around for thousands of years and we all have had mixed feelings about it. Although it had been a pariah once upon a time of its saturated fats, coconuts have made it to the mainland. They have majorly been used and consumed by tropical countries; especially in Asia. With the recent resurgence of its popularity, this large nut-like fruit has been touted as a superfood. 


The coconut tree is claimed as the ‘lifeline of health’ and it justifies the designation. Coconut oil is a treasure house of essential nutrients and is also antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial and healing. It also comprises high levels of saturated fats, vitamins K and E, minerals iron and zinc to name a few! Adding it to your daily use or even in your diet can have miraculous positive effects. Including this magical oil will work wonders in improving your health, well-being, appearance, mental state, etc. Here are some of the benefits-


  • For hair, body and skin: This nourishing oil has been a part of our hair care and beauty regime for centuries. Its unique fat composition provides deep nourishment to the hair and skin; making it feel satin-smooth, shiny, healthy and glowing. Not only this, this magical oil works best as a makeup remover, under-eye cream, hydrating nail cuticles, prevent dandruff, cure cellulite, prevent stretch marks to name a few 
  • Promotes heart health: Coconut oil is rich in saturated fat that boosts the growth of HDL; good cholesterol in our blood and reducing the risk of heart diseases
  • Help lose weight: The fatty acids in the oil encourage our body to burn fat and even send out instant energy to our brain and body
  • Improves sleep and gives a mental boost: Daily consumption of coconut oil in limited quantities can help regulate your sleep. It also contributes to better focus and concentration, improving mental performance by sharpening clear thinking. Wherein caffeine provides you with a quick rush, a dash of coconut oil will wake your brain up with ketones; the ideal fuel for a brain boost!
  • A great addition to cooking: Enjoy your favourite baked delicacies without a hint of guilt by using them as a substitute for eggs and butter. You can also choose to fry or even a dash of it to your coffee, smoothies, etc. 
  • Reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections: Problems like cold, flu and runny nose can be avoided with the usage of coconut oil. Its anti-inflammatory qualities help deal with sinuses and other areas. The oil effectively neutralizes the area by creating a fatty layer 


With so many health, beauty and wellness benefits of coconut oil, this superfood is not only dense in nutrients and effective but also natural and cost-effective. Being filled with a range of nutrients, coconut oil is a great addition to our routine and rewarding in a multitude of ways. Incorporating this is your wellness routine is going to be a game-changer!