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Climate Change: Is the Apocalypse Inching Closer?

“No challenge poses a greater threat to the future generation than climate change.” – Barack Obama. 

Our resources are limited and yet we go ahead and exploit nature as per our greed without putting the cataclysmic consequences under consideration. The world has had drastic changes through the years, since earth is undeniably dynamic and ever-changing, but we no longer live in an ever-changing world. What we are experiencing right now is an environmental emergency; a global crisis that holds the potential to demolish the future of this planet. With every passing second, we observe rise in the sea-levels due to the melting of polar ice caps. If you wisely scrutinise, the recent Amazon fires were a shout for help with devastating aftermath. Not long after, the destruction of the Australian fires surpassed the Amazon fires with double the damage to wildlife and mankind. If we still turn a blind eye and live in denial of climate change, the time isn’t far when the human race will be witnessing its own global ruination.

We must choose to be compassionate and accept the fact that there is no planet B. By choosing to walk down the Dharana path, you choose to be one with nature. It is indispensable for us to establish an intimate connection with mother earth if we wish to save the environment. The holistic programmes offered by Dharana retreat centre provide you rejuvenating insights into the mindfulness and tranquillity of nature. Climate change can reach levels of irreversibility and increasing levels of global warming can eventually reach an extinction level where humanity and all life on earth will end.

It is our responsibility to unfurl the compassion that is within us, and not becoming a silent spectator of this mass destruction. The end is inching closer as the clock ticks, but we must not surrender to this global annihilation.

A few of the greatest weapons we have against this adversary are reduction of efficient disposal of waste, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and reforestation. Dharana Wellness Centre is located in Shillim, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is biologically diverse. The Shillim Foundation has undertaken a multitude of environmental efforts to preserve the acres of plush green land around Dharana, that are home to species of plants & animals found only in the Western Ghats. The decade-long, consistent efforts of reforestation, along with the inception of nurseries, cultivation of plants and more, are ongoing practices in a larger endeavour of reducing the effects of climate change on our planet.

The holistic healing programmes at Dharana, which includes weight loss management, stress management, anti-ageing treatments and more, embraces nature into its eccentric ideologies in ways that refrain the environment from instigating an imminent emergency to all of mankind. When you contemplate this environmental predicament and maintain your composure, you are more likely to deal with it on an individual level with more vigour and euphemism.

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