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5 must-have foods during monsoons

Monsoons are here in all their glory; however, the season comes with its restrictions on food. Our food can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other infections if we are not careful, therefore what we consume is essential in keeping healthy, especially to keep our immune levels high during COVID-19.

Here are some foods that are healthy and are easily available during the monsoons, plus some storage tips

Lotus Stem

With its sweet taste, lotus stem comes with a multitude of health benefits. It contains many essential vitamins, namely Vitamin C, which is known to boost immunity and fight viral infections. The root of the vegetable contains zinc, magnesium, iron, etc., that aid the body in the production of red blood cells. It also strengthens the respiratory system and is rich in fiber.

How to store: An uncut lotus root can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 weeks; however, cut lotus root should stay fresh for about 3-4 days. Store in a plastic bag, covered with a damp cloth.

Sweet Potato

A fibrous, immunity-boosting vegetable, sweet potato is making its way as a healthy alternative to the potato due to its benefits. They are loaded with beta-carotene, which is transformed into Vitamin A in our body. This increases resistance to diseases. They also help manage lifestyle diseases like diabetes and manage stress levels due to high levels of magnesium. Additionally, they possess anti-inflammatory properties.

How to store: Keeping sweet potatoes in the refrigerator makes them hard and prolongs cooking time, so they are best kept in a cool, dark place, and consumed within 2 weeks.


Pumpkins contain antioxidants, such as alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, which make them ideal for consumption during monsoons as they reduce the risk of diseases. They are highly nutritious and rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which strengthen the immune system. Pumpkins also promote weight loss as they are low in calories and contain fiber, benefiting the heart.

How to store: Pumpkins can usually last up to a month if stored properly in a cool, dry, and dark place.

Shiitake Mushrooms

One of the major benefits of shiitake mushrooms, especially during the monsoons, is their ability to boost immunity. They are an ideal meat alternative for those practicing vegetarianism or veganism due to their meaty texture. Shiitake mushrooms also aid in heart health and possess antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects. They are also rich in Vitamin D, thereby strengthening bones.

How to store: Storage of shiitake mushrooms depends on whether they are dry or fresh. If purchased fresh, they can be stored in a paper bag in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. If purchased dried, they should be stored in the refrigerator, away from moisture.


A starchy vegetable and a cereal grain, corn is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is highly nutritious and, when consumed in small quantities, can help balance blood sugar levels. Loaded with fiber, corn can lower the risk of several diseases and protect against digestive issues. It is preferable to consume an organic version of this vegetable, as processed corn can elevate blood sugar levels.

How to store: Keep the husks on your corn; this helps prevent it from drying out. Store it in a zip-lock bag for up to a week.

Dharana Wellness Centre, a wellness retreat near Mumbai, focuses on holistic health, including physical, mental, and spiritual balance. One of the main pillars of this eco wellness retreat lies in the farm-to-table food philosophy, which encourages an organic approach to consuming food. Fresh produce is picked from the organic farm and prepared using slow-cooking techniques. As an Ayurvedic healing center in India, Dharana combines an integrative, modern approach for holistic health with modern diagnostics and traditional practices like Yoga and Ayurveda to ensure a sustainable wellness journey.