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Balance in Nature: Appreciating an Ecosystem

Consider the ecosystem. A naturally occurring concept, this is the perfect natural example of balance. Here, each member of the ecosystem not only depends on but contributes to each other’s welfare and dependence. These interactional systems can be large with many many moving parts or as small as a little pond. However, a key aspect of any successful ecosystem is the stability and balance within it. Pollution, Deforestation, and the resultant Global Warming have shown that a negative impact on one member of the ecosystem threatens to completely inhibit it. Biodiversity, Nutrient Cycling, and Climate regulation tend to suffer in such a scenario.


According to the experts at one of the Best Wellness Centres in India, Dharana Wellness Retreat, maintaining and developing the ecosystem is an essential part of not only sustainability but also protecting and conserving the natural environment. This is made abundantly clear by the efforts of The Shillim Institute in conserving the Shillim Valley. In India’s Western Ghats, this not-for-profit organization focuses on conservation, sustainable development, and healing. The institute safeguards almost 2000 acres of Mountains, Forests, and Ecosystems, a fact instrumental in helping Shillim be declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


How was this achieved? Early on, the experts recognized the importance of preserving and restoring the biodiversity hotspot of the Shillim Valley. This goal led them to establish a nursery on the backwaters of the majestic Pawna Lake and launch a forest seed gathering and planting program that focused purely on native tree species. These species thrive best in their natural environment and help the valley regenerate faster when assisted by indigenous species.


The program was successful, with more than 100,000 native trees planted over several years. This allowed the forests to regrow and regenerate a landscape previously impacted by ‘slash-and-burn’ agriculture. The growth of these trees was monitored until they could survive on their own.


This was the first step in reestablishing the eco-systemic balance. The approach, now termed ‘Eco Responsive Planning’, helped restore the natural forest cover while strengthening the ecosystem. A diverse range of native species such as Barleria Prionitis, Woodfordia fruticosa, and Memecylon Umbellatum was planted, attracting flora and fauna to the valley and further enhancing the ecosystem.


At the Dharana Retreat in India, the Shillim Valley plays an important role in every Wellness Programme. From the challenging yet satisfying Shillim Trek to the gentle and relaxing Shinrin Yoku, The Dharana Luxury Health Retreat integrates nature, making it a part of your Wellness Routine. Experience the beauty of an Ecosystem in person at Shillim. To book, click this link.