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Reasons you should consider wellness retreats

One of the most empowering choices you can make is to own your time. However, taking out time from work, kids and general stress of everyday life to spend it on ourselves seems dubious. The daily routine activities of traveling to work, investing your mind at work, eating, sleeping and starting the next day with the exact set of activities can make one’s life jejune. It is then necessary to get away from the stress, responsibilities and mad rush of daily life and let the mind quiet down from its everyday routine.

In an attempt to relax and recharge, we often take a vacation from our hectic lifestyle. The best way to enjoy our days in peace and seclusion is to visit wellness retreat centers. Dharana at Shillim is an exceptional wellness centre where you can experience holistic healing which will guide you towards a prudent life. From healing therapies, meditation, yoga, counseling and healthy meals, a retreat offers an healthy alternative to a regular holiday break. Situated three hours from Mumbai, encircled with lush rice fields, fertile valleys, Pawna Lake and breathtaking forests, Dharana at Shillim creates a serene atmosphere for one to enjoy a natural rejuvenation.

While the reasons to go to a wellness retreat are endless. Here are 5 reasons to consider wellness retreat and focus on self-care.

Unplug from chaos
The ideal way to do that is to go to a place which disconnects you from the world. Wellness Retreats prove to be a perfect place to go because they are usually situated at serene locations close to nature. There is wellness retreat resort near Mumbai which offers you proximity to nature allowing you to reconnect with yourself. These retreats offer you a perfect setting and space to forget the hustle of life. It allows you to unplug from the chaos of daily life and gives you a personal space to refresh, reflect and renew your life.

Healthy Indulgence
We often neglect the essential part of our survival in order to meet the daily deadlines. Many people consume the food which has either none or very less nutritional benefits. People should be looking for indulgent products that provide health benefits. Wellness Retreats keep a proper check on the healthfulness of superfoods and ingredients. They take this everyday necessity and turn it into a way to detox and teach you new ways to reward your body with foods they need. Wellness retreat emphasizes on what people should be eating rather than what they should not be eating.

Mindfulness Treatments 
A holistic approach of treatments such as healing therapies, meditation and yoga helps a person to achieve mindfulness. Wellness retreats are the place to learn and practice mindfulness. One such Wellness Retreat resort near Mumbai is the Dharana at Shillim which offers the Dharana Yogic Life Program where you can experience the richness of healthy, happy and stress-free living. Practicing Mindfulness can be a perfect antidote to a busy life.

Connect with likeminded people
How amazing is it to meet people with the same priorities as yours? It’s like meeting a lost connection after ages. If you are considering Wellness Retreats over regular vacation, it means you are both, a person who takes time out as well as a person who like to travel into nature. Maybe your social group, at home isn’t made up of these personality traits. At Wellness Retreats you get a chance to meet like-minded folks in serene and motivational setting. Beyond the planned activities, you can spend some time sharing ideas with these fellow travelers.

Take away from the Experience 
Above all, a wellness retreat is a time to relax and recharge, but don’t discount the inspiration you’ll come away with. Don’t limit your experience to a few days  at an amazing location. Take mental notes (or notes in your journal!) about what your take aways are— new exercise tips, new foods to work onto your grocery shopping list, mindfulness techniques, and new friends. Keep the inspiration going when you go home!

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