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What are the 7 Chakras in our Body ?

Yoga and Meditation has introduced most of us to the concept of Chakras present in our body. Mindfulness attained through such healing sessions has brought about the relevance of 7 major Chakras that are symbolic of the flow of energy for optimal biological functioning and spiritual healing. As a part of early Hinduism and Buddhism culture, their balance and imbalance have a pivotal role to play in our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. But What do Chakras mean?  Why is it important to unblock them ? Where are Chakras located ?


What does Chakras mean ?

In Sanskrit the word Chakras implies “Disk” or “Wheel”and it refers to the energy centres of our body. Chakras are located along the spinal cord of our body. Their presence corresponds to certain nerve bundles and organs, running along the spine, starting from the base till the top of our head. Each Chakra coincides with a specific gland, therefore diffusing varied energies throughout the body.


What is the Significance of Chakras in our Body ?

Shifting nature of Chakras is highly critical of the fact that meditation, nutritional diet and healthy relationships is necessary. When Chakras are in balance, one experiences abundant peace, health and tranquility. On other hand, when in imbalance, anxiety, depression, diseases and other kinds of ailments are frequent. Thus, locating and analysing Chakras aids in healing of mind, body and spirit.


Where are the 7 main Chakras located ?


1- Root Chakra ( Muladhara Chakra )

The word Muladhara comprises two Sanskrit words, Mula meaning “root” and Adhara which means “base” or “support” . It is the primary Chakra of our body and is located in the base of the spine between the anus and genitals. It is based on the earth element and is known to radiate red color. It is accountable for creating a firm foundation for all other Chakras. It attributes to the emotions of survival, stability, ambition and self sufficiency. When in imbalance, one might feel unstable and ungrounded. While in balance, one might feel confident, energetic and independent.


2- Sacral Chakra ( Svadhishthana Chakra )

Svadhishthana is the second Chakra and it means one’s own abode. It represents personal expansion, exploration of sexuality, deepest desires and creativity. It is located at the lower belly and inner pelvis, associated with kidneys, bladder and reproductive organs. It is based on the water element and is known to radiate Orange color. When imbalanced, one might feel emotional irritability or emotionally drowned, lacking energy to be creative and experiencing frequent sexual desire. When in balance, one might feel positive, vital, satisfied, compassionate and intuitive. 


3- Solar Plexus Chakra ( Manipura Chakra )

Manipura means a lustrous or resplendent gem. It is located four fingerbreadths above the navel. It represents power and self confidence. It is based on the fire element and is known to radiate yellow color. When in imbalance, one might suffer through problems regarding digestion, liver and on an emotional level one might face depression, anger etc. One feels energetic, confident, productive when in balance.


4- Heart Chakra ( Anahata Chakra )

Anahata in Sanskrit means unbeaten or unstruck. It is located in the centre of our chest, in the heart. It is significant of the unbiased and purest form of love, affection and care for ourselves and others. It is based on the element air and is represented by the color green. When out of balance, one might feel emotional disbalance such as anger, grief, anxiety, jealousy, moodiness. When in balance, one feels compassionate, encouraged, energized, optimistic.


5- Throat Chakra ( Vishuddha Chakra )

Vishuddha in Sanskrit means detoxification of the body. It is located at the base of the throat, at the centre of the larynx. It is represented by the element space and is associated with the bright blue color. It is significant in inspiration, expression, faith and communication. When in imbalance, one might feel quite, weak, timid and the inability to express thoughts. When in balance, one feels creative, constructive and satisfied.


6- Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra )

It is pronounced as agya chakra and in Sanskrit it means authority or command. It is located between the eyebrows at the centre of the head and is considered to be the pivotal point of concentration, consciousness and intuition. It is free of element and is represented by the color indigo blue. When in imbalance, it promotes egoism, fear of success, indecisiveness. However, in balance it promotes harmony, self control and utmost consciousness. 


7- Crown Chakra ( Sahasrara Chakra )

The word Sahasrara in Sanskrit means infinite. It is located at the top of our head. It is free of any element and is represented by the color white or violet. It is the epicentre of spirituality and enlightenment. When in imbalance, it promotes dullness, lethargy and destructive feelings. On the other hand, in balance, it promotes a deeper sense of self immersion, wisdom and awakening.

In eteriety, awareness and consideration of these chakras is crucial to attain harmony, peace and a self immersive state of being. This not only helps us in appreciating our surroundings but ourselves as well.


Dharana Wellness Centre, a wellness retreat near Mumbai, focuses on holistic health which includes physical, mental and spiritual balance. One of the key ideologies of this eco wellness retreat lies in the holistic approach. As an Ayurvedic healing center in India, Dharana combines the use of an integrative, modern approach for holistic health with Modern diagnostics with traditional practices like Yoga and Ayurveda to ensure a sustainable wellness journey.