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What Are The Health Benefits of Organic Farming and Food

A key aspect of the Dharana Wellness Retreat’s Food Philosophy is the usage of fresh, seasonal, organic produce. In fact, this is what makes gastronomy at this Wellness Retreat near Mumbai a complete “Farm-to-table” experience. Any fruit, vegetable, or herb, once harvested, comes directly under the chef’s purview to be developed into a healthy dish. Organic Farming and Organic Food are an important part of Ayurvedic living and healing, which requires consuming a changing diet based on the seasons, Ritucharya, and individual factors, Doshas.


What is Organic Farming?

According to a rudimentary understanding and also contemporary research, Organic Farming is the complete absence of any synthetic and unnatural fertilisers, pesticides, and other chemicals. There are health benefits associated with organic farming due to the lack of man-made interventions. Avoiding chemicals further helps reduce soil contamination, allowing a healthy soil full of helpful microbes to grow healthy, nutrient-rich produce. 


What Are The Health Benefits of Organic Farming?

It is important to understand that conventional produce is only deemed safe to consume, not healthy. The fruits and vegetables that continue to populate both home and professional kitchens tend to be riddled with pesticides and many unwanted residues. Additional toxic sources are added by the journey a certain product will make from the farmer to a processing unit, a distribution center, and wherever the supply chain takes it, before reaching your body.


Agroecological Researcher Tiziano Gomeiro’s research on the quality of Organic Farming and Organic Food proves to be eye-opening. He noted that an organic process results in higher anti-oxidant activity, along with a concentration of nutritionally desirable polyphenolics and plant secondary metabolites. This has been linked to reduced risk of chronic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers, further research indicated an average of 48% lower concentration of the heavy metal Cadmium. A toxic metal, Cadmium stands to cause Respiratory Problems, Reproductive Issues, Kidney and Bone Damage and Cardiovascular illness.


Accessing Organic Farming Near Mumbai

The Health Benefits of Organic Farming are most prominent at the Dharana Wellness Retreat. Located in the pristine Shillim Valley, this Wellness Retreat near Mumbai sources organic produce from its in-house farm and the neighbouring Shillimb Village, making the process truly Farm to Table.

Experience the very best of Organic Farming Near Mumbai at Dharana during your Wellness Journey. A holistic approach to evaluating the Mind, Body, and Soul, the experts at Dharana tailor a Wellness Plan dedicated to you and your individual needs. Book your stay today.