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Ensure Wellness during the Festive Season

The months of October and November mark a time for festivities within Indian cultures. Continued for generations with historical and philosophical relevance, these festivals serve as transitions and explicit indicators that a specific season or part of the year has concluded. 


These occasions are anticipated eagerly as they allow for a break from everyday hectic and modern life. However, the experts at the Dharana Holistic Healing Retreat believe that the festivities can be much more than simple celebrations.


The festive weeks signal to the individual that it is okay to slow down, relax and cherish a much-needed connection with friends, family and traditions. To achieve and make the most of the festive season, one needs to maintain and improve well-being, not only after festivities but also before. 


One of the prominent and authoritative texts on Ayurveda, the ‘Charaka Samhita’ introduces a concept called ‘Ritucharya’ as a way to prevent disease and maintain health. In fact, the ancient text quotes and purports the following – “An individual who knows and practises the suitable diet and regimen for every season will find their strength and character enhanced.” 


Broadly, Ritucharya is a gradually transitioning diet and regimen that recommends specific practices in accordance with the changing seasons and requirements. It suggests a change in lifestyle and diet every three months to best suit the seasons, and by proxy, any traditional festival and celebration. 


As a prominent Ayurvedic Healing Centre In India, the Dharana Wellness Retreat recommends utilising the upcoming gap between the two seasons, Navaratri to ease oneself into a Ritucharyic and Ayurvedic lifestyle regimen. This can effectively be achieved in two key Programmes –


Celebrating Navaratri in the pure traditional manner recommends a stringent fast for nine days. This is intended to clear the gut of any toxins and ‘desalt’ the body as a whole. 


The Dharana Wellness Center refines this approach with the Art of Detox Retreat, which seeks to not only detoxify the body with an Ayurvedic Approach, but also the mind and spirit with Shillim’s scenic presence. 


This Wellness Retreat can be embarked on for a minimum of 5 nights, before and more importantly, after a season of celebration.


As introduced before, the concept of Ritucharya goes beyond a simple regimen. It includes an in-depth recommendation for seasonal and daily diet plans, sleeping patterns, exercises and much more. 


The Dharana Wellness Retreat stands as one of the Best Panchakarma Centre in India. As such, the retreat, its experts and the Shillim Valley are poised to be the perfect introduction to the Ayurvedic Philosophy of Living and the Dharana Way of Life.


Embarked on for a minimum of 7 nights and a recommended duration of 28 nights, this Ayurveda Panchakarma Retreat seeks to develop habits in line with Ritucharya and Dinacharya not only to make the most of a Festive Season but life as a whole.

The Dharana Wellness Retreat and its experts hope to develop an Ayurvedic approach and thought process to Festivals and Celebrations for each guest. To reserve a Holistic Healing Retreat at Dharana Shillim, click this link.