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Identifying and Curbing Fatigue

“Burnout is inevitable when a professional must care for too many people. There is higher and higher emotional overload. Like a wire that has just too much electricity, the worker emotionally disconnects.” – Christina Maslach, Professor at the University of California. Interestingly, this method of approaching burnout, now understood as a form of Mental Fatigue, originates not from a recent publication, but from a book in 1976.

This develops in individuals with consistent and systematic responsibilities, such as working professionals and students. It is a condition of emotional detachment, where one simply goes through the motions.

As a prominent Wellness Retreat near Mumbai and Pune, Mental Fatigue is a common factor for many seeking a Holistic Healing Retreat. These individuals, no matter the situation and scenario, echo the same: Demands have increased, and resources have not kept up.

This is a situation where responsibilities have begun drawing non-existent resources. In an attempt to keep up, compromises become common, eventually culminating into an emotional disconnect with work-life balance completely distraught.

In her follow-up paper, Christina Maslach improved upon her definition of Mental Fatigue: “As a metaphor for draining of energy, burnout refers to the smothering of a fire or the extinguishing of a candle. It implies that once a fire was burning but the fire cannot continue burning brightly unless there are sufficient resources that keep being replenished.”

This widely accepted description emphasizes the individual over the responsibilities. It is the continuous toll that such stress exerts that eventually wears out a person, psychologically and physically. Coping with the responsibilities takes prime importance over everything else.

The Dharana Holistic Retreat Center at Shillim hosts various Wellness Programmes that can aid in curbing the adverse effects of Mental Fatigue while developing a mindset resilient to the same. Here are some of the recommended programmes:

Strengthening the Mind, Body and Soul, Dharana MINBOS is one of the only Holistic Programs Near Mumbai focusing on the harmony between De-Stressing and Sleep.

The program aims to behave as a preventative tool, helping one understand stress and learn practical ways to counter it.

As the foremost Rejuvenation Centre in India, Dharana and its Wellness Experts aim to reset mental well-being and rebuild a happier and more resilient mindset.

With a psychosomatic relationship as its base, the program explores the Gut-Brain axis theory, using effective practices to help the body on a chemical and psychological level.

Looking for a comprehensive solution to months and months of Mental Fatigue and Stress? Take up one of the finest Healing Holidays in India at the Dharana Wellness Retreat.

With a minimum stay of 14 nights, and recommended for a month, the Dharana Healing Holiday utilizes the very best of Holistic Wellness methods and techniques, enhanced by factors unique to Shillim.

Emphasizing the Yoga Philosophy, the programme takes the Eight-Fold approach to ease and strengthen the being as a whole.

The preferred methodology here is one that counters harsh and aggressive changes, instead easing one into the Dharana Way of Life to de-stress and rejuvenate.

Mental Fatigue is not an end all, be all. Like most ailments and mental illnesses, it can be countered with a holistic and positive approach to Wellness and the assistance. Gain a deeper understanding at the best Rejuvenation Center in India, reserve your stay by clicking this link.